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Email Marketing Expert & Consultant

Helping B2B & B2C businesses pull more value out of their CRM with customer journeys, broadcast sends, automation, and more.

But what can an “Email Marketing Expert” actually help you with?

Us marketers love to throw around fancy buzzwords.
Here’s exactly what I can do for you:

  • Strategy and Implementation – Architecting the perfect email strategy for your business is critical. Being capable of implementing it is just as important. I’ll handle both sides for you.
  • Automated Touchpoints – Build evergreen sequences and trigger-based emails to nurture leads and move them down the pipeline. But that’s not where it stops! Continual split tests and optimization set these up to be the workhorses of your email marketing.
  • Broadcast Sends – Plan, build, and schedule email blasts to drive conversions. These are your manual sends that can drive immediate results with announcements, product launches, sales, and more.
  • Segmentation & Lists – Stop sending to your entire list! Let’s segment out your user base and more importantly organize it. The better the segmentation the more effectively you can message users.
  • Copywriting & Design – Visual vs text-based emails? They’re both great, it just depends on what your audience likes best. Either way, let’s test, test, and then test again for new designs, layouts, and copy styles.
  • Automations & CRM – Getting CRMs to talk to your email platform can be easier said than done. Keep automations flowing correctly to make sure data is in the correct spots, or else things can get messy quick!
  • Tracking & Reporting – You have to be able to know what’s moving the needle. Set up automated tracking and reporting to ensure our actions are actually moving us toward your goals.

Platform Experience By Years

A Track Record in Marketing

  • I got my start in marketing over a decade ago as the classic “Swiss army knife” marketer – working in almost every channel from paid ads, to data & automation, to email marketing, to content & site management
  • Over the years, I focused my expertise and skills around email marketing, automation, and customer communication
  • I was Marketing Director at a tech startup, helping them make the Inc 5000 list 5 years in a row
  • I have years of managerial and implementation experience, collaborating with sales teams, product managers, and C-suite
  • As of October 2024 I currently have the bandwidth to take on 1-2 new clients – let’s connect!

Ongoing Engagements

Email Marketing Consultant

I’ll advise on everything from overarching strategy, down to the nitty-gritty nuances that are hurting your conversion rates. Outside our calls, I’ll monitor KPI metrics to ensure we’re always moving toward your goals.

Fractional Leader & Doer

Fractional Director of Email/CRM? Call me what you want. I’m flexible for a reason – all organizations have vastly different needs. I’ll directly join your team and fit into the exact role you need, whether that be more leadership or execution based.

Custom Projects

These are my favorites! This option is the most common and it makes sense because no great idea fits inside a pre-built box. Schedule a chat with me – I’d love to learn more about your project to see if I’m the right person to help bring it to life.

One-Time Engagements

Full Channel Email Audit

A great place to start our relationship. I’ll dig in and dissect 6 different sub-channels of email including, automated, broadcasts, segmentation, aesthetic, and more. I’ll find gaps in your strategy and present a roadmap to move forward with.

Pick My Brain Calls

Have a big decision coming up or not sure where to refine your email strategy? Let’s hop on a call and figure it out. I’ll walk you through solutions on how you can fix your strategy problem, automation issue, or anything in between.

Half Day Mastermind

A 4-hour session to help turn your email marketing into a nurture and conversion machine. This not only gives me time to advise but also for us to collaborate together to ensure we have a gameplan for you to move forward with.

Portfolio & Work


About Me

Here’s a little about how I approach marketing:

First off, I’m Entrepreneurial: I believe new challenges and a growth mindset make not only business but life exciting. That spirit lives inherently in my marketing, which leads me to…

My Email Philosophy: Email is hands down the most powerful marketing channel in existence and I’m a huge believer in value-first marketing. If you can show prospects your value through email with education, resources, and social proof – you’ll create a wildly successful email system.

My Business Philosophy: Businesses that thrive, stick to their core values, have products that produce an undeniable level of value, and are obsessively customer-centric. While not all of that falls on the marketing side, I apply those same principles to every touchpoint, campaign, and system.

Also, I’m a Dad: My wife and I are parents to the coolest 20-month-old boy. Becoming a father has shown me what hard work actually is and has cemented the importance of always be growing, even if it’s in your diaper-changing skills.

Still have questions or wondering if I’d be a good fit for your project? Schedule some time below and I’d be happy to jump on a quick call to get to know each other better!

Ready to create a wildly successful email marketing system?

Partner with me to move your pipeline forward, track real measurable results, and grow your business through email marketing.

Get My Monthly Email Round Up
Sign up to get 1 email a month with proven strategies, industry updates, and my A/B test results I'm running that you can use!